2012 on the blog

A year is a long time and a lot of words…

In January I chose BRAVE as my one word for the year. Then I started as I meant to go on, buying a red dress. I committed to a year of simple hospitality and I launched the new design for my blog.

In February, I wrote about the hard first three months of living in Luxembourg. We threw a housewarming party, and I tried to be a better listener.

In March, I realised out that being brave is scary, and that vulnerability feels like weakness, but looks like courage. And I talked about what I’d learnt through learning Danish.

In April, I turned 28 and remembered I am enough. I started thinking what if all my worst fears turned out to be unfounded, I waxed lyrical about my new favourite novel, Gilead, and we went to Scotland to visit my Grandpa.

In May, we marked six months living in Luxembourg. I thought about being grateful for what is yet to come and counting it as blessing.

In June, I said goodbye to a great man who has been a big influence on me. I thought about the process of piecing life together, a bit at a time. I created a sunny playlist for the summer solstice. I celebrated the small things in my life and I ate lots of ice cream.

In July, we lost our baby when I was ten weeks pregnant. You poured out your love and support on us and we felt carried through our grief by your hands and your hope for us. It saved me. Thank you.

In August, I got a haircut that made me cry, spent a restful week’s holiday in Switzerland and cycled 36km round the lake. I wrote a (kind of) poem about home and I slept under the stars for the first time in my life. I made my Granny’s cherry buns and hosted an old fashioned recipe swap!

In September, I talked about mourning the path not taken. I wrote a letter to myself as a teenager, I tried to imagine myself into Jonah’s sandels, and I shook myself awake.

In October, I wrote a 31 day series on How to Embrace Expat Life.

In November, I remembered some of the many people I am thankful for. We went to Barcelona for the weekend, and I wrote a guest post on comparison.

In December – well we’re still here. We marked one year in Luxembourg and I started chasing the light. I remembered St Lucia’s day and forgot the Winter Solstice. And I talked about advent being hard this year.

It’s been a year I won’t easily forget, for better or for worse. I’m so glad you’ve come along with me through this year. I may not know you all (or maybe I do know you but you’ve never told me you’re reading) but I love that you’re here, love that you listen, love that you encourage and share and laugh with me. Here’s to a memorable two thousand and thirteen, in all the right ways.


Photo source: Yellow Bird Yellow Beard