bread making

One of my goals on my list of 26 things to do before I am 27 was to get good at baking bread from scratch.

I decided though that the pre-requisite for this goal needed to be figuring out how to actually get my bread maker to work. I bought it second hand about 18 months ago for a bargainous €10 (I only had to lug it home on a tram and a metro) but my first two attempts to make a simple white bread were disastrous! I have no idea what I did wrong because I am normally so good at following recipes, but both times the bread came out dense and tasteless.  After my third attempt with a brown bread mix that didn’t actually mix before it baked, I gave up and put the bread maker to the back of our storage area.

But determined to master this bread-making thing I decided to have one more attempt with the bread maker before assigning it to the “going to the dump” pile. And this time I was successful! I used a bread mix for rugbrød, a dark and dense Danish bread full of seeds and good things. I’ve made it twice since and Rasmus now happily munches away on it for breakfast every morning and I feel victorious!

In the aftermath of my bread-maker success I’ve started to attempt from-scratch bread making. First up was a incredibly easy recipe for flat-bread that my mum passed on which we’ve made two or three times since she showed me how when thye visited. The awesome part is that you cook it on the griddle (or bbq) and it literally takes about ten minutes to be ready (after all the kneading and rising of course) and tastes amazing with some sea salt on top.

Then this weekend I attempted Pioneer Woman’s Cinnamon Bread. Rasmus argues it’s really more cake than bread. Well, I wasn’t going to argue that it was the most healthy bread in the world, but it was pretty much delicious, especially toasted and covered with melted butter (adding to the healthiness of course) like I had it this morning.

And it looks so pretty!

So now I need more bread recipe recommendations please, to continue my education!