Monday photo dump

The last week is a bit of a blur already but it was a fun one… I celebrated Summer Solstice with fresh flowers from the market, a barbecued pork fillet for dinner and an evening walk in the park with my man. I welcomed my Brussels friend Marissa to Luxembourg and we drove to Vianden…

neighbours day

I grew up in a little cul de sac in a small village in Oxfordshire. In our little street there were roughly 20 houses. I think I knew well the occupants of at least fourteen of them. As a child I played in the street until the sun went down with the others from the…

on six months

Today we have lived in Luxembourg for six months. Six months ago we were worriedly watching our furniture be carted up to our third floor flat on a small wobbly lift, trying to unpack faster than the moving men brought more boxes in, and eating kebabs from the shop on the corner for lunch. Six…

on the surprise tractor festival

One of the things I love best about the countryside, is that you can accidentally discover the most wonderfully local, fun and yes, a little odd, events. Thursday last week was a public holiday here for Ascension Day. The day dawned sunny and warm so we jumped in the car and headed out in the…

My top 3 Luxembourg cafes for working in

Let me tell you something: being an extrovert and working from home are not natural companions. I get my energy from being around other people, and that goes as much for with my baby business as it does in every other part of my life. I love brainstorming ideas with other people, I love being…

on networking

Last night I made myself look business-like and headed out to a meeting of The Network, an international business and professional networking organisation for women in Luxembourg. Since I work from home, it’s not been very easy to meet other business women since I arrived, so I thought maybe this would be a good way…