
On Sunday I led a prayer walk through our neighbourhood for our expression (small group) at church. Our church is structured so that the expressions meet weekly for church and once a month come together for a big group celebration. Because we currently host one of the expressions in our flat, Rasmus and I get…

26 things to do before I turn 27…

I started writing this list the week before my 26th birthday. I was feeling like I was getting lazy, starting to lack focus. I’d get home from work and wonder what to do with my evenings. I wish for a lot of things and have so many ideas but then I forget them the next…

The Velveteen Rabbit

She’s probably going to kill me for writing this, but please would you go and read my friend Marissa’s blog post today? It awed and inspired and challenged me and I loved every word she wrote. The Velveteen Rabbit, by Marissa My favourite part: We live in a world of disconnectedness. I mean we have…

on fear

I had a story that I was thinking of sharing here last month that I didn’t because it didn’t make me look all that good. Or so I thought. It was a story from my three days in the middle of nowhere (Sweden) for the General Assembly of the NGO network I work for. One…


My friend Claire posted this questionnaire on her blog before Christmas so I thought I would do the same, Hopefully it’s long enough that it’ll take you a while to read and I’ll get some of the many posts in my head written up… hope your Christmas break has been as wonderful as mine! And…

1 december

I’ve lived through so many World AIDS Days that they can become a bit uninspiring. There was the first year I really took notice of the date, living in South Africa, working with children who had lost parents to the disease, making friends with a lot of the locals and the statistic of 33% infection…