A weekend in London

Two weeks ago we sneaked away for a weekend in London to celebrate our fourth wedding anniversary. It was wonderful to explore parts of the city I’d never been to before, find some amazing restaurants and cafes, and just get to spend some quality time together making plans for the coming year. Here are a…

Denmark (our summer)

We flew back from Copenhagen early yesterday morning, waving goodbye to our friends and wrapping their gorgeous girls into hugs as we packed our suitcases into the car. I’d thought I might have time for a blog post or two, here or there. But it turns out that completely gutting and reinstalling a kitchen in…

A thousand stories

We walked up the dusty path, stones and dirt getting into my sandals, one hand holding my long skirt above my ankles to try and prevent it caking in dirt. A small grubby hand caught mine as it swung by my side and I looked down to see a shy smile tossed up in my…

saving tiny lives

And then there were the babies. January this year was a hard month for me, as I marked the due date I would have had if I hadn’t miscarried my baby six months earlier. It was in that hard place that I got an email that made my heart jump. The new baby unit had…

a woman’s work

I put my head around the door of the church and said hi to the small group of women gathered there. Rasmus had gone back to the house to rest, and Rob was in a meeting so he suggested I come in here and meet the women involved in the church’s Women’s Ministry. Six women…