saving tiny lives

And then there were the babies. January this year was a hard month for me, as I marked the due date I would have had if I hadn’t miscarried my baby six months earlier. It was in that hard place that I got an email that made my heart jump. The new baby unit had…

Meeting my namesake

We drove through the busy Kampala streets, full of shops with hand painted signs, motorbikes and minibuses everywhere, and people buying, selling, walking, talking. We arrived at a small building with a little verandah and plastic chairs set out to welcome the visitors. This was the day centre for Rahab Ministries, an organisation that helps…

on discovering the place of brokenness in our city

Trigger Warning: domestic violence. We were sitting around the living room, me cross-legged on the rug so that I could type notes onto my laptop as we talked. The cat kept trying to get onto our laps until one friend’s eyes started watering and the sneezes began and the cat was banished outside for the…

letter to the woman at the gym, from a hypocrite.

Dear young woman at the gym, I wrote to you recently. I encouraged you to stop being so half-hearted during your gym session, to stop worrying about what everyone else around you thinks, to recognise how wonderful the body you has is. Yeah. I am such a hypocrite. I spend about an hour at the…

discovering a new way to do business

I’m sitting alone in a tiny cupcake store, in between meetings. My route from the car park to my second meeting location has serendipitously led me past this little place with the colourful cupcakes in the window, and since I am half an hour early due to the huge amount of nerves-driven contingency timing, I…

women’s day sleepover party

Hi Visitor! You’re probably coming here from Pinterest, because this post still receives a surprising number of hits. I’m not an events blogger or a stylist or anything like that. Mostly I just write about the beautiful mess that is my life and my faith. There are posts on motherhood, and the our miscarriage, about…