Kaya’s Dedication

At the beginning of December, Kaya Grace was dedicated at our church here in Luxembourg. It was a special day, to give thanks for her life and promise ourselves to raising her with love and grace, to teach her about the love and grace we have received from our Creator. I wrote the text for…

the spiritual practice of getting lost

I have found things while I was lost that I might never have discovered if I had stayed on the path… Anything can become a spiritual practice once you are willing to approach it that way – once you let it bring you to your knees and show you what is real, including who you…

All the Saints

I was scheduled to preach the sermon at our church on 2nd November – All Souls Day. I was pretty excited about it. It was coming together well, words jumping out of the pages as I dug through my Bible to excavate the message I was hearing snatches of. The passage to be read that…

Love is patient

Life slows down radically when you have a newborn to care for. She takes her time to eat. She takes her time to be rocked to sleep. When she’s in the mood for playing, her games are slow too – the same funny face or little movement over and over again. Dressing her is slow,…

Letter to the new mama (to myself)

“Often our expectations of how life should unfold get in the way of meeting things as they actually are… When we meet the unexpected with love, rather than opposition, we open the way for a more soulful path through life. In yielding my resistance I already find great healing. In softening my internal rules about…