I am from

Back in May I got to attend the Amahoro gathering in Uganda, together with some of the wonderful She Loves ladies. I had late night conversations with my roomie Teen; we called the ever-brave Leigh when we had ghekko “issues”; and we spent an incredible four days at Kelley’s beautiful home in Burundi. One of…

How to Celebrate the Autumn Equinox

I started marking the seasonal changes a few years ago. It started out just as a mark in my diary, my own thoughts to keep me company on these little-remembered dates. I’d wash the windows for the Spring Equinox, to remind myself to clean back the cobwebs in my own life that were preventing the…

staggering grace

Recently I sat with a new friend, rain beating against the window outside, our hands warmed by cups of coffee, and I asked her to tell me her story. It took three hours. And I barely held back the tears multiple times as I listened and wondered how I would have endured half the things…

The gentle seep of joy

I was somewhat battle-weary in January this year. 2012 had been a roller-coaster ride, one where I was pretty sure I was going to come careening off at some point and land in a tangled mess. But I’d made it to the end, clinging for dear life to courage, and there was a sense of…

On blackberry picking

The ground under the tree was splattered with bright purple stains, the remains of juicy round mirabelles now rotting in the late summer sun as the wasps gorged on the spilled sugar. “I brought Mormor past here a few days ago,” my mother-in-law told me. “Even with her bad eye sight, she saw all these…