Meeting my namesake

We drove through the busy Kampala streets, full of shops with hand painted signs, motorbikes and minibuses everywhere, and people buying, selling, walking, talking. We arrived at a small building with a little verandah and plastic chairs set out to welcome the visitors. This was the day centre for Rahab Ministries, an organisation that helps…

writing our souls

I’ve been back in Luxembourg for a week now. I’ve read hundreds of emails, helped organise an event, hosted an out-of-town guest, planted tomatoes and chillies and green beans on our balcony, finished two books, had a picnic by the river, signed up for a wedding fair, joined a board, had a photo shoot, made…

Coming home to normal

There’s something about coming home that’s unlike any other feeling. I clambour off the bus with my hand luggage and two suitcases (Rasmus has gone directly into the office so I took his home too). Up the front steps. I open the mailbox and fish out the pile of bills, restaurant adverts, and one actually-intriguing…

clean water

I was drinking in every sight and sound on the journey yesterday. I was in the middle of the backseat of the car, watching out the front window as our driver negotiated the Burundian roads with more confidence than I would have been able to, swerving around potholes and cyclists as we made our way…

right now – May

Well, May. What can I say? I spent most of the month putting up with endless days of rain, and now I’m finishing it with the heat of Uganda. It blows my mind just a little bit. This was the month I got to paint nails with beautiful and strong women at a domestic violence…