Chasing the light and finding joy

A week ago, we met up with our friends for a post-skiing reunion with fondue and white wine. It’s the kind of food you really can only eat in the depths of winter, those freezing days when you come in stamping your feet and rubbing your hands in front of your mouth, peeling off layer…

on going to the cinema

There’s something special about the cinema. It’s the queues of people and the anticipation in the air. It’s the smell of buttery salty popcorn and the rows of colourful sweets, which you rarely ever buy anywhere else. It’s the thick blue or red carpets that are so impractical for a venue selling popcorn, yet so…

What mama did.

My mum is shorter than me. She has been for many years, since I passed her growing through my teen years. She can only blame herself really, for marrying a man nearly a foot taller than her. It means when she hugs me or my sister, she kinda has to reach up. And we have…

Thankful Tuesday – for friendship

Last night there was a mix-up, a forgotten plan and a volley of phone calls, that for about two hours had me thinking with increasing seriousness that something dreadful had happened to a friend. It hadn’t. She turned up fine – just a mix up – even as we approached her flat with torches and…

Ash Wednesday thoughts

I had fifteen minutes to spare, so I bought a flaky almond pastry-pretzel from the bakery and then walked 100m up the small street so that I could stand in the sunshine. The pavements were all white from the salt the city has been throwing down each night to stop us from sliding to and…

letter to the woman at the gym, from a hypocrite.

Dear young woman at the gym, I wrote to you recently. I encouraged you to stop being so half-hearted during your gym session, to stop worrying about what everyone else around you thinks, to recognise how wonderful the body you has is. Yeah. I am such a hypocrite. I spend about an hour at the…