
My eyes hurt as I squint at the receding shoreline until it is a faint line and then nothing, just heaving grey sea around me, cold and inhospitable. My knuckles are white, half from cold, half from gripping so tightly to the edge of this boat that carries me away from the land I know…

awake my soul

My husband teases that “I am tired” is the phrase he most often hears coming out of my mouth. He hears it first thing in the morning as I snooze the alarm for the third time in a row, pull the duvet up past my ears and scrunch up my eyes against the morning light,…

wide like the sky

When we travelled two years ago to the USA for a friend’s wedding, our favourite place was not Las Vegas, where her wedding was. It wasn’t the beautiful Californian coast or even the stunning Zion national park. It was a place in the middle of nowhere. We were driving somewhere between Zion and the north…

celebrating the autumnal equinox

Photo source: Under the Canopy by Roman Johnston on This coming Saturday, 22nd September, is the autumnal equinox (in the northern hemisphere). It’s the second day of the year in which the light and the darkness are equal to each other (the first is the Spring Equinox), balancing each other perfectly before the next…

dear me

Dear me… I see you there, sweet sixteen, on the swings in the park during lunch hour, finally old enough to be allowed off the school grounds when there are no classes. You hide away here with a few other misfits and you really enjoy their company. This is the year of floating between social…

mourning the path not taken

My future was decided early on. I was going to spend my days cuddling African babies under an African sun. I felt the blood of my great great aunt and her missionary life running in my veins and my young passionate spirit wanted to follow in her footsteps. I spent my teen years reading the…