when being brave is scary

This conversation happened last night, as I was standing in the kitchen, stirring the vegetables in the hot frying pan and leaning my forehead against the too-low extractor fan. Rasmus sat on the other side of the counter, on one of our red bar stools, a Leffe in one hand. We do this, in the…

on encouragement

I’ve been thinking the last few days, since a conversation I had at the weekend, about encouragement. I overheard a situation where someone in a role up front leading had come home to his wife feeling disappointed with his performance because of a few mistakes he made. Meanwhile, other people who had been there at…

at three months

It’s been a little over three months since we moved from Brussels to Luxembourg. It feels like much longer. It’s been a wonderful three months and a really hard three months. A lot of people have kept reminding me that it takes time to feel at home in a new place. Six months has been…

on Ash Wednesday

“Lent is supposed to be a time when we review our spiritual life, think again about what it means to be a follower of Christ, reset the compass of our discipleship and prepare ourselves to celebrate the Easter festival. But often we just give up biscuits” (Stephen Cottrell, I Thirst, p. 12)   Today is…

why I can be brave

I have a guest post up at She Loves today. I have enjoyed hanging around this community of intelligent, inspiring, faith-filled women since I discovered them a few months ago. And now I am thrilled (and hugely nervous) to have written my own first post for them. It was easier for me to be brave…

looking toward lent

I began yesterday to write a daily devotional for my old church in Brussels for March. I used to do this when I was a member there and really loved it, so when they asked me to help out again this month, I was so thrilled to be writing again. The whole of March is…