I did take part in the daring bakers challege this month. I know, I know, it’s been ages. But I blame it on getting married, and then Christmas came along so unexpectedly…
The thing is, this one was indeed a challenge for me, which I wasn’t really expecting. But that might be because I bought cheap chocolate (shame on me!) and then sulked for half an hour when it didn’t do what I was asking of it.
Tonight I am finally nearly finished. BUT I had put it in the freezer to keep fresh as I was away for work two nights, and it’s kinda still frozen. Which means it looks rubbish and is too hard to cut out of the tin. I’m hoping it doesn’t taste as not-quite-right as I am expecting it to.
I’m hoping a few hours out on our counter will make it soft enough to cut through, but probably I won’t get round to posting until tomorrow. Sorry! But please come back…