We flew back from Copenhagen early yesterday morning, waving goodbye to our friends and wrapping their gorgeous girls into hugs as we packed our suitcases into the car.
I’d thought I might have time for a blog post or two, here or there. But it turns out that completely gutting and reinstalling a kitchen in two weeks is quite the endeavour, even with a handy father-in-law and brother-in-law to help. We pulled some 14 hour days, my arms have never hurt quite so much from stripping and sanding and painting. And I don’t think my hands are going to forgive me for a while yet for the mixture of paint, chemical wood and sawdust they got plastered in daily.
But it was good – hard work fuelled by coffee, smørrebrød and delicious pastries from my favourite Lagkagehuset
Pulling off the Renovation Woman look, danish pastry, and two of my favourite girls (one on her first day at school!)
In between all the work, we got evenings of conversation with the good friends who put us up in their basement for the two weeks, a weekend on Bornholm with Rasmus’ family – picking fruit, eating fresh fish, watching the boats come into the harbour from the balcony – a lazy Sunday afternoon BBQ catching up with old friends and meeting the youngest new one.
And I demanded (and was generously given) one deliciously wonderful day off by myself which I promptly used to visit all my favourite spots in Copenhagen, and then spend the afternoon on the trampoline with my three favourite Copenhagen girls.
So I’m not sure it quite counts as a “holiday” (we’re both shattered – lots of early nights this week please) but it was a change and it was good. And there’s a very attractive new kitchen in a little flat in Nørrebro that we’re just a little bit proud of…
Coming into Rønne on the ferry, fruit from my BIL’s garden, ice cream in Gudhjem, a tall ship coming into harbour.
Allinge on a rainy evening, Gudhjem harbour, and finishing the kitchen…
p.s. while I was away, my first post for Luxembourg expat women’s blog CLEW went live. I’m giving my seven tips for eating ethically, with links and ideas specifically for Luxembourg. I’d love for you to jump over there and add your own ideas!