I had some coconut left over from baking some amazing sweet and sticky brown sugar brownies earlier this week so I decided to make the coconut lime cupcakes that I’d torn out of this month’s Tesco magazine (picked up when Jen and I went to get pizza last weekend).
They are yummy! I think they actually needed a little more coconut (I was guessing amounts as I don’t have a scale here – or rather I have a scale just not batteries and it eats them up so fast I have put it on a diet) but the lime flavour is really lovely and subtle.
I made nine and have eaten one already (to make sure they were ok!) so the other eight are coming with me tonight when I go on a last minute road trip to Brittany with my friend Clotilde, Stephen and Marie-laure. It’s a seven hour drive which Stephen and I are sharing so regular sugar intakes will be important since we won’t reach Clotilde’s parent’s house until midnight. I’m looking forward to it though. Clotilde has told me the house is on the coast and I miss the sea. I’m just hoping the snow which has been on-off all day doesn’t decide to start strong this evening!
Here’s the recipe in case you fancy making them this weekend…
Coconut and Lime Cupcakes
- 125g (4oz) margarine
- 125g (4oz) caster sugar
- 2 eggs
- 50g (2oz) desiccated coconut
- 3 limes, zested and juiced
- 175g (6oz) self-raising flour
- 1 tsp baking powder
- 40g (1.5oz) butter
- 125g (4oz) icing sugar
Heat the oven to GM4/180c/350f. Line a cupcake tray with paper cases. Cream the margarine and sugar. Add the eggs and whisk again. Mix in coconut, lime zest and juice. Fold in the flour and baking powder. Spoon the mixture into paper cases and bake for 15-20 minutes. Remove and cool on a baking wire. Beat the butter and icing sugar together with a tbsp of hot water until smooth. Decorate the cupckes with the icing and an mini egg!