I’ll be going home at the weekend and looking forward to a week of wonderful family Christmassy goodness, which for sure will include much baking and cooking, and probably will also include a couple of good movies.
Ok, I tried to think of my top ten, but honestly I cannot htink of 10 good Christmas movies. Which is a little sad. So if you can think of any I should add to my list, let me know. But I can tell you right now, Elf will not make the list…
1. Muppets Christmas Carol. Oh the genius!! One of my favourite uni memories is that annual late night showing of this film at the cinema on the last Wednesday of term. The queues reached faaaaar down the street hours in advance and students were willing to sit in the aisles to watch it and sing along.
2. White Christmas. A Thornton family must-see classic. I don’t think there is a single line or lyric that Jen and I do not know the words too…
3. While you were sleeping. This film is a hot tip to be my all-time favourite movie. The romance, the humour, the snow… so perfect!
4. Miracle on 34th Street. The 1947 version. Don’t you dare even consider watching the remake. Will you make you feel all warm and snuggly inside.
5. A Charlie Brown Christmas. So maybe not technically a film, but who could not fall for this movie? (also, Charlie Brown really reminds me of my dad). “Isn’t there anyone who knows what Christmas is all about?!”
6. Love Actually. I saw this three times in the cinema. The best of British cinema…
7. Bernard and the Genie. Never heard of this one? It has Rowan Atkinson and Lenny Henry in it. What more could you want? The “hero” gets fired and dumped within the first five minutes. It can only get better right?
8. The Holiday. If I ever do anything in my life worth talking about, I want Kate Winslet to play me in the film of my life. Just so you know. And also, how sexy is Jude Law in this movie?! “I have a cow, and I sew”. Hot.
Any suggestions to bring it up to 10?