friday favourites #3

This week I have been liking…

  • Soul Food. Went out with my Salvation Army colleagues to “Chicken ‘n Waffles” for um, chicken and waffles 🙂 Although actually coming from Belgium I’m a little over waffles, so I went for the chicken, mac n’ cheese and corn bread. Yum!
  • Golf. I am still very much the beginner but it was nice to feel like I was actually getting a bit better yesterday at the driving range. Small steps.
  • My elderly neighbours. It’s official, little old American Grandma’s are my favourite. I have two on our floor, Ellie and Pat, and I adore them!
  • Long weekends. Yes, I know I don’t really have a job at the moment. But still, I feel so much more rested come Tuesday morning when you get all three days off.
  • Breakfast. I’ve found this whole grain blueberry cereal that I love. And nothing beats weekend breakfasts out with eggs, bacon, pancakes, fried potatoes…
We’re off to Orlando for the weekend, to enjoy the theme parks, see some of my cousins and meet up with some old friends from our Brussels church The Well. You can be sure I’ll have lots of stories to tell come Monday 🙂
Have a good weekend!