
In four hours I am getting on a train to go home. Well, to my other home. The home that was home for the longest and will alwasy be home even though here is home now.

I haven’t been back in five months! I just worked it out by flicking back through my filofax and discovering that apart from the ten minute stop with Jen when we were passing through one sad April morning, the last time I was there was March, when Dad and Jen kindly picked me up from Heathrow after I flew home from Bangladesh…

So despite the fact that this weekend promises to be insanely busy, what with getting our wedding license organised, going to a friend’s wedding, meeting with our vicar about the wedding service, going to church and then having a bbq with the family and six dear friends, all before 4pm on Sunday when we leave to come back to Brussels… I am really looking forward to it.

And not just because I get to try on my wedding dress again!!