on St Lucia’s day

Hi friends. I know regular blogging is not really happening right now. It’s just been a “pause” season for me but I promise to be back soon. In the meantime, here’s something I wrote last year for St Lucia day (13th December) which is still as meaningful to me today as is was then. May…

light chasers: St Lucia

How many years do you need to do something before it becomes tradition? For the second year running, I got out my bowls and scales on a cold winter afternoon. The blue skies of this morning had disappeared behind heavy grey clouds that promise snow and a few light flakes were blowing around outside the…

Tradition, marking the seasons, and Luciabrød

I really love tradition. The idea of doing something that people have been doing for years, for generations, for decades is incredibly inspiring to me. I feel that way about the ritual and tradition of the church I grew up in. As a child I didn’t get it really, thought it was dull, repetitious in…