Why I think you should bake with your Toddler (and how to start)

Some of my earliest memories are of baking. I can remember standing at our kitchen counter, weighing flour and whisking eggs and learning how to use the hand held mixer. My mum taught me how to make cheese scones and coffee cake and “hag and mag” (our family version of tiffin). All my memories of…


I am making fig and walnut biscotti! from this recipe by deb over at smitten kitchen. again. i am in love with her. for five days over new year I had five teenage girls staying in my teeny flat. three from poland and two from croatia. they were here for the taize conference. they were…

Christmas Eve Rolls

For the last few years it has been a “tradition” for me to make these dinner rolls on Christmas Eve. The recipe comes via my American aunt Barb (the fact that she is American is not important to this recipe, but I have two aunt Barbaras so it’s important to distinguish) and she insists that…

mushroom love

I have always really disliked mushrooms. If there were mushrooms in the dish, however small mum had chopped them, I would painstakingly pick them all out and pass the little pile on the side of my plate to her (my dad was doing exactly the same to Jen). I decided about a year ago that…