Love is patient

Life slows down radically when you have a newborn to care for. She takes her time to eat. She takes her time to be rocked to sleep. When she’s in the mood for playing, her games are slow too – the same funny face or little movement over and over again. Dressing her is slow,…

How to Celebrate the Autumn Equinox

I started marking the seasonal changes a few years ago. It started out just as a mark in my diary, my own thoughts to keep me company on these little-remembered dates. I’d wash the windows for the Spring Equinox, to remind myself to clean back the cobwebs in my own life that were preventing the…

On blackberry picking

The ground under the tree was splattered with bright purple stains, the remains of juicy round mirabelles now rotting in the late summer sun as the wasps gorged on the spilled sugar. “I brought Mormor past here a few days ago,” my mother-in-law told me. “Even with her bad eye sight, she saw all these…