my week in pictures

1. baking lebkuchen for gifts 2. waking up to a flood 3. being introduced to danish christmas food… risengrød 4. baking honey beer bread from this recipe 5. enjoying the christmas party at foyer selah 6. sushi with the wonderful friends who hosted us in Lebanon

cookbook testing: ottolenghi

One of the last wedding gifts to arrive is one of the most handled so far… Ottolenghi: the cookbook was a wedding gift from my old youth workers and arrived in the post a couple of weeks ago (sticking half out our mailbox which made me do a excited skip when I saw it). Alice…

one year

what a different a year makes… first christmas market weekend 2008: first weekend as a couple first christmas market weekend 2009: seven weeks married

preparing the table

Since Marissa was doing all the cooking for thanksgiving, I took my “hostess” duties very seriously and spent a good hour making the table look pretty. We have so much purple from the wedding, in the form of leftover decorations and wedding gifts. So I decided the colour theme would be purple and white/cream. I…


On Friday, we celebrated Thanksgiving. Yes, Thanksgiving was actually on Thursday. But this was a rather “alternative” celebration anyway, seeing as we were only three Americans and nine others from UK, Denmark, Bosnia, Romania, Canada, and Belgium. Marissa cooked the whole amazing meal, including the HUGE turkey, and I had great fun decorating the table…

1 december

I’ve lived through so many World AIDS Days that they can become a bit uninspiring. There was the first year I really took notice of the date, living in South Africa, working with children who had lost parents to the disease, making friends with a lot of the locals and the statistic of 33% infection…