celebrating Spain

Our weekend ended on the streets of central Brussels, celebrating the World Cup win with hundreds of Spaniards and excited onlookers! Rasmus and I had managed to find ourself a coveted position at the bar in an Irish pub downtown that was mostly packed with Spaniards dressed in red and yellow, with a few orange…

#15 finish one book a month

One of my list of 26 things to do before I am 27 is to finish at least one book every month. I love to read. As a child I was a huge bookworm and the local library was one of my favourite places. I believe one of my early teachers even asked my parents…

my weekend in pictures

My in-laws have been staying with us for the past week. We had fantastic weather and stayed out enjoying it most of the weekend. We took a day trip to Namur on Saturday and had dinner down river in Dinant. Then Sunday we planted ourself on the side of the road in a village near…

#20 – Make ice cream!

I made ice cream! There were some cherries in the fridge beginning to look sorry for themselves, and a carton of cream just waiting to be used. And my parents-in-law arrived last night, so what better reason? We already ate half of it (somewhat soft ice ish for us being impatient) but I will try…


On Sunday I led a prayer walk through our neighbourhood for our expression (small group) at church. Our church is structured so that the expressions meet weekly for church and once a month come together for a big group celebration. Because we currently host one of the expressions in our flat, Rasmus and I get…