I told my dad this morning on the phone that I had had such a good weekend, and he said that made no sense because I am still only half way through it. Fine then. The first half of my weekend has been sooo good. May today be as wonderful, please.
Met up with some friends who work in Parliament after work on Friday, who I have been trying to see for the last six weeks! We were losing hope of ever actually seeing each other but it finally all worked out and we spent a lovely hour drinking in Place Lux, not quite as busy as the last time I was there, but still people spilling out of the bars, and off the pavements into the path of irritated bus drivers.
Afterwards I got some dinner in town with a friend and then we went to the Caledonian Society’s Autumn Fling ceilidh. I didn’t imagine I would ever be using my awesome ceilidh skills in Brussels but it was SUCH a fun evening. A great ceilidh band, a big mix of people of all ages, a pipes and drums band that performed a few tunes, and all in an amazing bar called La Tentation. There is nothing quite like doing the Dashing White Sergeant in a great venue with a good friend and good beer 🙂
Yesterday I didn’t wake up until 11.15!! Those of you who have known me for a little while might think, so what’s changed? But honestly I cannot remember the last time I had a really long lie in like that and it was truly blissful. Not least because I woke up to the sun streaming through the windows.
Typically, by the time I had dragged myself out of bed and got dressed, the sun had hidden itself behind a nice thick layer of cloud. But I would let the lack of sunshine spoil my plans and wandered into town and met a friend for hot chocolate and delicious tarts in one of my favourite cafe chains here, Le Pain Quotidien. (I did just discover on their webiste that they have TEN stores in London. My my my.) They really do do amazing hot chocolate. And their coffee is good too.
A blissful evening was spent at my friend Jodi’s brand new apartment, complete with recently-unpacked boxes, for dinner with her and Rasmus. I am so in love with the apartment! High ceilings, polished wood floors and the most incredible terrace looking over the quiet gardens. Amazing! And don’t even get me started on the laundry room…
Now I am going to finally get dressed (another lazy lie in) and wander down to the market. Pumpkin and squash season is here and I am officially in Heaven. So many cooking/baking possibilities! (You know you’ve missed my baking posts!)