the practise of lifelong parenting

When Sarah Bessey announced she was going to host a Practises of Parenting Blog Carnival on her blog I was excited and disappointed, because I love her posts on her practises of mothering that she does to help her enjoy being a mother now, but I’m not a mother, so none of my ideas have…

a better valentine

February has begun and with it come the heart decorations, the shops promoting oversized boxes of chocolate and a two week long panic as to the best way to celebrate/avoid Valentines Day. But what if there was a better way? St Valentine was a Christian priest in Rome under Claudius II. He was eventually martyred…

brave is trying again

I’ve been going through old posts to update links and pictures, and I discovered something surprising: brave seems to have been my one word for a lot longer than the last three weeks. There are frequent references and the odd post on courage, on facing my fears. I found a post from June 2010 that…

Finding your way around

Good morning! A quick post to help you find your way around my new space here. If you used to follow my blog in your reader, you’ll need to update your feed. If you click on the little RSS button over there on the right (between the facebook and twitter buttons), it’ll take you to…


I’m in a bit of a funk this morning. I am tired and a bit emotional. There’s lots to do and I don’t want to do any of it. This is the morning I looked for the laundry basket and realised it was still down in the laundry room waiting for me to collect the…

One word: Brave

picture via kvelv The start of the new year came about in a gentle and welcoming way for us: eating fondue with new friends, flowing champagne, sleeping late and a lazy day in pyjamas. So this morning, this first Monday morning of the year, I sit down to my long to-do list and my varied…