seasonal traditions

Last week, after a blazing Indian Summer throughout northern Europe, autumn hit us again with full force – wind, cold, drizzly rain and shocking showers. From wearing our summer dresses far later in the year than ever before, we are suddenly all pulling out those thick jerseys from storage, switching on the heating, or –…


Today we have been home one week. I gave myself that week off to recover from the bug I caught in New York. But today is officially start day. I have my studies to get back to after a break for our holidays, a new eight week course on web design starting today, and project…

like gold

It’s been a tough few weeks here. Our expected departure date the the US has been pushed back and then back further and then further. Our sub-letters moved into our flat so we are living with two (of the many who offered) very kind friends. The boiler in our flat has broke so our poor…

summer’s coming…

Tomorrow is my last day of work and I am just praying that this beautiful weather lasts into next week so I can actually enjoy it from outside rather than from in this ground floor, shady office! Telling friends that I have resigned have been some of the most childishly joyful experiences these last few…

Scotland calls

It’s been a quiet week on here, but not at home. I bought a sewing machine! It’s a brand new singer. Those of you who have been following my list of 26 things to do before I am 27 will know that means I have achieved half of one of my things. I’m supposed to…

Jane Austen and the Bible

For the last month I’ve been working on some teaching for the church I go to on the characters of Mary and Martha in the bible. These are the sisters of Lazarus, who is more famously known for being raised from the dead by Jesus. These lovely ladies take up just three short chapters of…