Scotland calls

It’s been a quiet week on here, but not at home.

I bought a sewing machine! It’s a brand new singer. Those of you who have been following my list of 26 things to do before I am 27 will know that means I have achieved half of one of my things. I’m supposed to also “learn how to use it” but with only two weeks until the big day, I’m not promising anything!

I’ve also been busy with church work, writing the teaching for April on events from Holy Week which I’ve loved digging into. Our expression (translation: group) at church is this amazing group of people from all over the world. I’ve seen us grow so much closer to each other over the last six months and it makes our gatherings so much better as we trust each other to really talk about the important things of faith, the challenging things, the hard things, and also the joyful things. I really do look forward to it every week!

And work is very very busy as I get closer to a lot of deadlines around our big general assembly in 10 days time.

But I’m about to escape it all, good and bad, for a long weekend in bonnie Scotland! We haven’t been up to visit my Grandpa in the Highlands since Christmas 2009 so he was definitely owed a visit! I’m praying for the forecast rains to blow further north so we can do some walking in the beautiful hills around his house. And we might even fit some whisky tasting in somewhere 🙂

See you after the weekend – hope yours is sunny and happy!