On tentatively trusting my desires

Around this time last year, as we were contemplating our upcoming move, I started doing something brave. I started telling a few people – family and close friends – about a desire I had, something I thought I would like to do in the not-too-distant future. It was something that had been simmering in me for a while,…

The Exhilarating Slippery Slope (an #OutofSortsbook synchroblog)

I used to think the slippery slope was dangerous, now I think it’s the ride of a lifetime. Growing up in the church, I heard frequent warnings from the pulpit, the youth conference stage, many of the adults in my life, about The Slippery Slope. There was a right way to think and believe and…

Leaning into the Darkness (on Halloween and All Saints)

I grew up in a family that didn’t do Halloween. Actually, in a church that didn’t do it. Of course, it wasn’t the mega event in 1990s rural Oxfordshire that it is in places like North America. But all the same, we didn’t have sweets waiting for the kids coming calling, I think we may…

Learning to Pray (or, why I gave up my “quiet time”)

For a while, my mornings looked like precious sleep. After a long night of waking every couple of hours to a hungry baby, my husband would fetch her up out of the cot one last time and they’d head downstairs for some play on the sofa together, watch the sun come up. Exhausted, I’d settle…