Remember that Friday favourites thing I did for a month back in July? Uh huh, well I’m going to kick it off again. I spend so much of my days online and find amazing odds and ends of articles and clothes and videos and ideas… well here is where all those odds and ends can land once a week 🙂
This week I’ve been liking…
- Quinoa recipes. I still don’t pretend to know how it’s pronounced correctly but we had it in California and I loved it. I think I’ll start with the “warm and nutty cinnamon quinoa” recipe from 101 cookbooks.
- This interview with Philip Gould in the Guardian is both moving and inspiring: “If you accept death, fear disappears”.
- Meg on A Practical Wedding (the one wedding blog I still read because it’s awesome) has announced the latest book club pick and it’s one I am actually quite excited to order: How to be a Woman by Caitlin Moran. Prepare for my inner feminist to start piping up again 🙂
- The Girl’s Guide to Web Design. I’ve signed up for this eight week wordpress course in the hopes of becoming a little less clueless about how this here blog works. And with lots of other ideas in the works… I start Monday!
- Monocle Magazine – have you seen this one? Rasmus picked is up at the airport and I devoured it from my sick-sofa this week. It’s clever, interesting and not too dense. And I feel more intelligent having finished it. Yey!
- A fun idea to celebrate the shortening days with a “Dark & Stormy” themed party, based on the popular cocktail. Charlotte a Sprink came up with that awesome idea.

- Anyone want to come over for cocktails? Although I must admit, Brussels has been anything but dark and stormy since we got home. Sunny and balmy is a more appropriate description, so I’ll make it my final favourite of the week 🙂
Have a good weekend everyone!