Yes, probably the strangest blog title I have posted to date. Let me explain.
Three days after the wedding, we had driven back to Brussels and headed out to Cora – a huuuuuge supermarket – to do all the grocery shopping for the week and for the big Sunday brunch at our flat that we had invited all the out-of-towners to. Minced beef was on special offer, so we put two BIG packets into the trolley, telling ourselves we would seperate it into smaller portions and freeze it.
Well it never got seperated or frozen. And a week later after the fun chaos had subsided, we realised it needed to be cooked TODAY or it would be wasted. So, the fun began.

First Rasmus made meatloaf. If you are like me, the word meatloaf brings to mind some grey tasteless lump dripping in fat. So when he skimmed through his Danish cook book and declared that this was what he wanted to make, I was dubious to say the least.
But hello? It was delicious!! He stuffed it with all the other wedding brunch leftovers from the fridge – peppers, feta cheese, onions – and then covered it in bacon. Oh so very good.
He made me a meatloaf sandwich three days later when I came in late from England and had to rush straight out again to my Danish class. Meatloaf sandwiches are yummy.
The meatloaf completed, I set to work on a lasagne, in the new Le Creuset dish, which was a wedding gift from two awesome people and is definitely one of our most-used gifts to date. It also makes great hag ‘n’ mag (only my family will know what that is) and I used it last night for toad-in-the-hole (another dish likely to stump my American readers).
So this is the before picture of the lasagne. I froze it like this, half cooked, and we defrosted it a week later for dinner. Oh my I love lasagne. The comforting tomato-ey cheesey pasta-ey goodness of it.
Finally Rasmus used the rest of the mince meat to make a tart. Also not something I had ever eaten before but I guess my husband is broadening my eating horizons! And it was also yummy. We froze it in portions and have been regularly pulling it out for lunches and supper with salad (on healthy nights) and chips (on less healthy nights).