We got home tonight and cooked a delicious dinner of pork medallions with courgette salsa and roasted celeriac. With a glass of wine from our “wine cellar” of course. And after a quick tutorial on public speaking (I am leading the call to worship at church tomorrow night) my handsome fiancee dressed up in his nice shirt and jacket and pointy shoes and was whisked away by his friends for his stag night…
So I am taking over the apartment for the evening. I’m pretty tired after a long and emotional day so might run myself a bath and start reading The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo which Rasmus just bought me in English coz he read it and loved it but only has it in Danish. And my Danish is not quite a novel-reading level yet!
It’s our first all-church gathering since before the summer tomorrow night and I am really looking forward to it (we meet most weeks as small groups). Also we put out the call in the weekly email for people to donate us their empty jam jars to use in our wedding decorations so it will be quite interesting to see how many we end up taking home with us
Hope you’re all having a restful evening.