Jen lodged an official complaint today. She accused other happenings in my life of depriving my blog of the appropriate time and energy it deserves. So just for her, here is the round-up of everything in the last few weeks I intended to blog about and never quite got around to…

So Swan Lake was good. The sound quality officially sucked, but after many many years of not dancing and not having seen a ballet, it was really nice to see it all again, and be reminded of how much fun I had taking ballet classes for eleven years. But seriously, the amount of curtsies after every 30 second dance – really necessary?

I got to spend a real American Thanksgiving at the home of Paul and Janet, colleagues of my wonderful friends Marissa and Liesl who work for Young Life here in Brussels. The food was calorific yummyness in true US style complete with sweet potato pie, green bean casserole and some slightly disturbingly green (but scrummy) dessert called a Watergate Salad.
May gratitude continue to take over your heart – crowding out worry, fear, jealousy, envy, hate and the litany of other useless emotions

What do you do at church when it gets really cold and the Christmas markets are just a stones throw from the house you are meeting in? Start the meeting with Schnapps, then head out ice skating…
And can I just point out how international we are in this photo: from left we have USA, Romania, Nigeria, USA, Denmark, UK, Azerbaijan. Oh yes.
Other things of interest:
- Did the Magi wear Mullets?? This is the profound and important question that Tall Skinny Kiwi is asking this week…
- Advanced Style – this blog is awesome. Just lots of pictures of old people looking stylish!
- Black Heels to Tractor Wheels – The Pioneer Woman put up the latest episode in the saga of her life. Jen and I are addicted to her website but if you’re gonna read the story, you have to start at the beginning…
- I’ve been playing with this website – you put your surname in and it tells you where more people with that surname live, down to the town with the highest number.
That’s about all for now…