weekend snapshot

weekend snapshot

I’ve become a bit of a fan of the instagram app, for how easy it makes it to capture the little moments in my days that I want to remember, without carrying around our big camera everywhere.

This long weekend was made up of these little moments…

long breakfasts with eggs and bacon
afternoons reading in the park
a marathon cooking session with blackcurrants from my Grandpa’s garden
barbecues with neighbours
a Eurovision song contest party
the excitement of our first grown chilli
planting out more flowers for our balcony
watching some terrible German country singers in the central square
exploring the old town more and discovering new intriguing alleyways
enjoying our creamy blackcurrant ice cream
reading the whole of The Expats and deciding crime is an emotionally exhausting genre for me
doing some business strategising across the dining table
more lying in the sun…

I hope you had a wonderful weekend too!

p.s. ice cream recipe I followed from here; I also made blackcurrant cordial from this recipe. The breakfast baked egg cups are inspired by this recipe.