
I don’t know if I have mentioned this before but I am kinda running now. Kinda, because it’s not yet an incredibly regular event due to multiple travel interruptions. But it has occured once every two or three weeks, which as anyone who has known me longer than ten minutes will know, is sort of…

new shoes

Shoe shopping is a nightmare for me. I really hate it. Partly because I have big feet (in proportion of course – I don’t look like Sideshow Bob, I am pretty tall) and the shop assistants have actually been know to raise their eyebrows when I request my size. Um, hello, I know lots of…


So yesterday my wonderful gorgeous friend Ellie (who incidentally wins the prize for greatest distance being travelled to come to our wedding – SOUTH AFRICA people!) posted this on her blog: Mystery project for a certain friend getting married in 2 months time! All I’m saying is she better not have any other friends getting…

two months today

there’s a lot to catch you up on. my silence the last ten days was due to a big holiday to LEBANON! Don’t worry, you’ll be hearing lots about that trip just as soon as I get all my hundreds of photos organised 😉 Lebanon was hot, fascinating, welcoming, delicious, scary, ancient, beautiful… But before…


so it’s a bit of a fuzzy photo coz I was trying to be sneaky, but this was a little moment that made my day… a Eurocrat outside the Commission HQ with his posh suit, briefcase… and flowery bright umbrella!