Daring Bakers – Milan Cookies

The July Daring Bakers’ challenge was hosted by Nicole at Sweet Tooth. She chose Chocolate Covered Marshmallow Cookies and Milan Cookies from pastry chef Gale Gand of the Food Network. This month’s challenge included two recipes with the option to do both or just one or the other. I was so very excited about the…

wrong-wide-of-the-bed muffins

It is a horrible rainy day and the builders in the house over the road started drilling at 6.45am this morning and still haven’t stopped. On mornings like this, my sanity demands that I fit in some emergency baking before I leave the house for work (which needs to happen in five minutes) So I…

vive la belgique! leve belgie!

so last night. twas joyous fun, to be sure. there were friends… a random piper in the grand place and drunken revellers… and late-night fireworks… p.s. someone commented that Belgian National Day feels like a Kentucky Carnival, everyone is acting so excited and crazy!

baking fun

I got to spend a wonderful 24 hours this weekend with Hannah, one of my best friends from Uni. Friday night we found a fantastic restaurant on Place Chatelain and Rasmus and I ordered the same thing from the long menu without my realising until the plates arrived. This is because both our French is…

French pastry yumminess

does anyone know what these are called? I love them, they are so light and melt-in-your-mouth sweet… I spotted them in a patisserie in Montmatre while we were wandering around, trying to escape the crowds of tourists, and when I asked for two she told me they were sold in batches of either 6 for…

the venue

We are having two wedding celebrations I mean, what the heck, you only *hopefully* do this getting married thing once in your life, so might as well stretch it out right?! Plus, getting to wear my bee-uooo-tiful dress twice? Amazing. We are getting married in the church in the village I grew up in in…