the official sign that summer has come to Brussels

No, it’s not the hot sunny weather we have had all week, or the sound of many people sitting in cafes chatting and not bothering to work any more. It’s this notice I got in my inbox this morning: STARTING THIS WEEK! Friskis&Svettis outdoor sessions are recognised as one of the summer events of Brussels….

Tartella love…

Can I distract you for just two minutes to tell you about a website I LOVE? I first visited Tartella because one of the ladies behind it is a friend of a friend (hi Jodi) and so when someone says “oh my friend has this website you would love…” you go take a look out…


In seven and a half hours, my mum, my dad, my sister Jen and my auntie Barbara arrive on the eurostar from London. Tres excitamondo, as they say in Genovia. (name that film) BBC weather forecast is slowly improving the harder I pray… I feel under pressure because the last four/five times my parents have…


If you know me at all, you know I like to bake. Big understatement. I LOVE to bake. But I often find myself repeating the same or similar recipes. So to challenge myself a bit, I just joined this online community called the Daring Bakers. Don’t you love the name? The idea is that at…