
Stay calm. I know you are out of touch, dear woman, with this busy-ness and it’s taken you a bit by surprise after the many months of waiting and pushing and wondering. Just stay calm. Being busy does not need to mean being stressed. And you can find joy in this rush and bustle. Stay…

on comparison

My husband has taken up ”training for a marathon” with some friends of his. He says up front he’s not expecting to be able to actually run the marathon (he has dodgy knees) but that the training process in itself is good for him. He asked me a few times if I wanted to join…

day 31: Live as if you’ll be here forever

31 days. I can’t quite believe I made it! Granted, I’m three days late in finishing, but here we finally are at day 31. It’s been so interesting writing this series. It’s different from anything I’ve done before – my posts are usually spontaneously written about whatever it is in my life that has been…

day 30: finding love as an expat

Rasmus and I met at a picnic in the Parc du Cinquantenaire in Brussels on a warm May day. I was nine months into a ten month internship and only just now starting to feel like maybe it would be okay if I stayed a bit longer. My first six months had been lonely and…

day 29: On patience

The keys to patience are acceptance and faith. Accept things as they are, and look realistically at the world around you. Have faith in yourself and in the direction you have chosen. – Ralph Marston The expat life is a full and fascinating and transforming lifestyle. And yet it is for many people one of…

day 28: saying hello

Every country and culture has it’s own way of greeting, whether it’s kissing or hand-shaking or bowing. How and who you greet is nearly always culturally prescribed. If you’re lucky there’s one standard greeting for all situations and contexts. If you’ve picked a culture that has multiple greetings for various situations and hierarchies, then look…