
This week I visited a new country, crossing off one of my list of 26 things. It was three days of work so not much free time to explore, but we did get a boat trip on the lake and an evening of great food and Hungarian wine tasting in a beautiful wine cellar. Here…


Today is the first day of October. That kinda snuck up on me. Again. I don’t think I am ever really fully prepared for the next month! But September was good. And I fitted so much in that I haven’t even told you about yet – like my spa day! Photos of ladies in towling…

bread making

One of my goals on my list of 26 things to do before I am 27 was to get good at baking bread from scratch. I decided though that the pre-requisite for this goal needed to be figuring out how to actually get my bread maker to work. I bought it second hand about 18…


This weekend I got to have one of those beautiful moments that you maybe only get a few times in your life (unless you are a midwife…) – snuggling with a two day old baby. I have Afghani friends who had just moved to Antwerp. Rasmus and I had been invited to dinner by some…

Brussels beer festival

This is the weekend of the annual Brussels Beer Festival, when just under thirty breweries descend on the Grand Place to enable all the tourists to get drunk just a little bit faster… 🙂 We went out at lunch to take a look and came across the parade of brewery carts with their beautiful big…


One of the lovliest things about being married is having an instant whole new big family to be part of. You hear so many scare stories about crazy mother-in-laws but I have been amazingly lucky with my new in-laws. They are such a great family! (They are nice enough that my parents chose to spend…