
Hannah and Ellie are my best friends from Uni. We met in dorms in first year and all lived together in second year (with three other girls). We tried really hard to find a weekend this summer when all three of us could get together but with busy schedules, one international move (Hannah), one national…

where is August going?

I am becoming one of those people who is always marvelling that time is just racing by. I’m not sure if that is a good thing or a bad thing. On the one side, time flies when you’re having fun, on the other side it can feel like you’re not fitting in everything you had…

garden makeover

Just back from a wonderful six days in Denmark with family… And apparently lots has been happening in the meantime. But not here – in my parents’ home. My mum and dad have started their long wished-for garden redesign and my mum is blogging the daily progress on a blog we created together when they…

flower carpet

The flower carpet that graces the Grand Place once every few years is one of the most famous tourist attractions in Brussels. Probably a third of all postcards have a picture of the flower carpet on them, even though it only lasts a brief four days before the whole thing is cleared away again. I’ve…


My mum and dad came to stay last weekend which was just lovely. We went out for dinner to La Quincaillerie, went to Spa and the Grottes de Remouchamps on Saturday, and wandered around the Marolles antiques shops on Sunday. Also managed to fit in a couple of movies, making delicious flat bread on the…

#15 We are all made of glue

A colleague passed on this book to me at the Vienna AIDS Conference after she had finished it, only a little battered. It’s written by Marina Lewycka, the same author who wrote A short history of tractors in Ukrainian, which I never read but saw in the top ten stacks quite often when it came…