When you stop trying to unravel it all

Today it’s a week since the terror attacks in Paris. I’ve spent the week trying to unravel the massive knot of thoughts in my head. And come to the conclusion there’s no unraveling to be done. Life is messy. Life is brutal and terrible. Life is incredible and beautiful. And if I’m trying to make…

The Exhilarating Slippery Slope (an #OutofSortsbook synchroblog)

I used to think the slippery slope was dangerous, now I think it’s the ride of a lifetime. Growing up in the church, I heard frequent warnings from the pulpit, the youth conference stage, many of the adults in my life, about The Slippery Slope. There was a right way to think and believe and…

Leaning into the Darkness (on Halloween and All Saints)

I grew up in a family that didn’t do Halloween. Actually, in a church that didn’t do it. Of course, it wasn’t the mega event in 1990s rural Oxfordshire that it is in places like North America. But all the same, we didn’t have sweets waiting for the kids coming calling, I think we may…

What do you need?

It’s been a while since I wrote here. In all honesty, this transition has been hard work. It’s the first time I’ve been a full time solo parent (with Rasmus unemployed the past year, we shared care of Kaya). The pregnancy is making me extra tired, so that I tend to head to bed by…

Seeking Beauty in the Hard Seasons

Probably the hardest part of this in-between time for me is the lack of people to talk to. I’m an extrovert by nature. I love and need alone time, but without daily meaningful conversation my energy tanks run dry. But when you’re moving to a brand new city, there’s not so many meaningful conversations to…