Shalom (on embracing the both-and)

Kaya stood up all by herself on Monday. She’s learning everything back to front. She’s been walking for three months but she still can’t crawl and when she wobbles and topples to the floor, she’s stuck there, having no idea how to get back up to standing. But on Monday we were at the playground….

Breaking down the walls to build a bonfire (a sermon)

Our daughter Kaya is 11 months old and she is really social. She is curious about everyone we pass, everyone we meet. We’ve done quite a bit of train travel the last few months, and now that she’s walking she’s not happy to sit still the whole journey. So instead we walk with her up…

Mama Faith: Moments of quiet, sacred space and embodied faith

We’ve been talking about how to hold onto your faith in the early joyful and hard months of being a mama. (I’d recommend going back to read the introduction post, and then about practicing the presence of God, and using music in your daily life). These next three spiritual practices seem to go together so…

Mama Faith: Practicing the presence of God, and the power of music

So you’re a baby mama (or papa!) and you are looking for ways you can keep your faith alive through this sleep-deprived, something-new-every-day, emotional rollercoaster of a season? Here are my first two spiritual practices to help carry you through these crazy hard and wonderful days. (If you missed the Intro Post, I’d recommend going…