right now – May

Well, May. What can I say? I spent most of the month putting up with endless days of rain, and now I’m finishing it with the heat of Uganda. It blows my mind just a little bit. This was the month I got to paint nails with beautiful and strong women at a domestic violence…

spoken word monday – harry baker

I love words. I can’t live without them. My favourite songs are the ones where the words wriggle under my skin and give me goosebumps down my spine. My favourite writers are the ones who can spin words like candy floss, making something sweet and enticing. It’s probably no surprise that my love language is…

right now – April

This month I’ve been… reading. When I was home at my parents’ house, I started reading The Dovekeepers by Alice Hoffman. It’s a book about four women who find themselves, in 72AD, in Masada, the mountain top palace that had been King Herod’s, now the last refuge of the Jewish rebellion. The Romans are camped…

right now – March

March. You’ve been a mix of the good and the meh. It’s been the month of low motivation and believing with each fresh snowfall that this must be the last snow of the season, only to be proven wrong a few days later. But it’s also been a month of baby showers and parties and…

Thankful Tuesday

There are days when writing a list of things I am thankful for is easy and wonderful and motivated by overflowing gratitude. And then there are the days when pms is raging and I nearly cry at the gym and I sit at the computer for two hours with a long to-do list wondering what…

right now – february

February. It’s a wee tiny month but it’s been pretty full. I’ve met and made multiple new friends this month, which is always such a joy for me. There have been some new work possibilities to get excited about, we had visits from good friends from Brussels and Copenhagen, I gave my first sermon at…