right now

This was the month I went skiing for a week in the French Alps for the first time and only hated it for two days (a great achievement and to the endless relief of my ski-loving husband). This was the month I chose a new word for the year. This was the month we would…

Thankful Tuesday

(I typed this up yesterday afternoon and then didn’t have a chance to finish it before bed. But it’s never too late to be thankful, so here it is…) I am thankful. For a long lunch with a woman who encourages me and understands me and helps me understand myself. For the chore of going…

right now

reading… The Forgotten Garden by Kate Morton, which I am enjoying and kept me distracted from the rolling ferry and my rolling stomach on our windy trip back from Bornholm. I just finished reading The Summer Without Men by Siri Hustvedt, which I LOVED. I normally steer away from books that start with infidelity, but…

friday favourites

It’s September. Actually one of my favourite months of the year. The weather in this corner of Europe tends to be warm but with that fresh chill of autumn in the mornings and evening, schools start again and there’s something nice about having a schedule again after a summer of freedom. Not that I’m in…

friday favourites

pieces of cake this big make a woman happy… There is so so much goodness out there on the internet that it can be overwhelming! There’s also a lot of rubbish of course, so here’s my friday contribution to helping to scale it all down to those you-just-can’t-afford-not-to-read-this pieces. These are pieces that have made…

right now

overwhelmed by how much love and support and care is being showered down on us. listening to Bon Iver after seeing him in concert and letting his music soothe my soul as it always does. crying over a bad haircut and feeling very shallow. But it’s my hair! Feeling the need to write another love…