Real Ones

Last Friday we went to a Real Ones gig at the Ancienne Belgique venue here in Brussels. I’d not even heard of them until about a month ago but my friend Laura had a ticket and forwarded me the link and after spending half an hour on their myspace page clicking through the songs, we…

minced meat marathon

Yes, probably the strangest blog title I have posted to date. Let me explain. Three days after the wedding, we had driven back to Brussels and headed out to Cora – a huuuuuge supermarket – to do all the grocery shopping for the week and for the big Sunday brunch at our flat that we…

la manufacture

In all the chaos of getting married, travelling to Stockholm (yes I know, have to go into much more detail about BOTH of those events…) I missed the birthday of one of my best friends here in Brussels. Marissa is probably my loudest friend. I could recognise her laugh anywhere, she rarely doesn’t have a…


In beginning to update my blog again, it would seem to make sense to start at the beginning of what I missed. But that seems too hard. So I’m starting at the end. Two days ago to be precise. (you’ll just have to wait a little longer for those wedding photos!) Tuesday I declared girls…


The shouts of complaint at my blogging silence are becoming louder and louder. This week is the first in about a month that I have had not been travelling somewhere… back to the UK for the wedding, to Stockholm for the European Development Days, to the UK again for the general assembly of the NGO…

I said yes.

it happened. and it was so very wonderful and joyful and special. back in brussels now in our home, spending time with family and getting ready for the big invasion of friends and family from UK and Denmark in time for the big PARTY on Saturday… so forgive me for not writing more right now,…