Christmas Eve Rolls

For the last few years it has been a “tradition” for me to make these dinner rolls on Christmas Eve. The recipe comes via my American aunt Barb (the fact that she is American is not important to this recipe, but I have two aunt Barbaras so it’s important to distinguish) and she insists that…

i am thankful today

for friends. Friends who you will let you come and sleep on their floor in Rotterdam for the night even though you haven’t seen them in four years; who will chat and laugh over a bottle of rose wine into the wee hours, and give you tips on how to stop the cat trying to…

last weekend

…we had a mini family reunion in Brussels. I was in London anyway staying with Joanna, out of whose room I sneaked at a horribly early hour in the morning, to get two trains (and a very strong coffee) to meet dad, mum and Jen at Redhill station, dad’s old stomping ground. I think it’s…

a whole inbox of cuteness…

I’ve had some wonderful photos filling my inbox the last few weeks, that I take a sneaky look at every few hours just because these kiddies are soooo adorable! These first two are of the kids I nannied while I was at uni… so grown up since then. Now they’re back in the States. Oh…

dear mum…

50 things I love about you 1. You let me distract you on skype at all hours of the day 2. You talk about your vegetables like they are your children 3. You get excited about what your worms are up to 4. You can be persuaded that a hat and bag are a good…