spring weekend

It has been a really good week. Perhaps I shouldn’t be so quick to say that since it is also the first week in months that Rasmus was away on a work trip the whole week. But I promise the two have nothing to do with each other. No, this was a good week because…

Friday afternoon

Just a few hours until the weekend. Are you eager for it to be here? The sun is shining through the window today. It has been half blinding me all day but I am happy to squint down at my work because the light makes me feel lighter. Soon I am going out to a…

at three months

It’s been a little over three months since we moved from Brussels to Luxembourg. It feels like much longer. It’s been a wonderful three months and a really hard three months. A lot of people have kept reminding me that it takes time to feel at home in a new place. Six months has been…

The Wisdom of Silence

I’ve been noticing a bad habit of mine recently. I wonder if it’s one any of you share? My bad habit is that I tend to talk too much. Yes, I’m a chatty person but that’s not exactly what I’m thinking of. Have you ever been in one of those group situations where you suddenly…

Thankful Thursday – again

I like practising being thankful. I like how it makes me feel. It reminds me of everything I have to celebrate in my life instead of focusing on the negative. It helps me remain an optimist rather than a pessimist. It makes me braver. Because it’s very hard to be thankful and fearful at the…