sneak peek: official wedding photos

We’re going to our friend Joanna’s wedding in the UK tomorrow. She was the saint who put up with sharing a one-room apartment with me for ten months here in Brussels. We spent the whole ten months single and now we are getting married within six weeks of each other. Her fiancĂ©e James is wonderful…


The evening before the big day, we were due to meet our vicar up at the church to do the service rehearsal. Rasmus and I agreed to meet my dad and sis there, and drove off to the car wash quickly right before for a few minutes break and of course to ensure the car…

aunt sally

Aunt sally is not a relation of mine. In fact she’s not a person at all. It’s the name of an old English pub game that is only played in Oxfordshire and some of the surrounding counties. But there it is taken very seriously, with pubs having teams who compete in a league against other…

so proud

Jen, you are beautiful and so wonderful and I am oh so proud that you made it through three years at that crazy college and graduated on Friday and that they recognised all your hard work by giving you the prize! I’m sorry I couldn’t be there to see it but I am possibly the…

the day before

So begins the wedding story. Because I know some of you are thinking bad thoughts about me for delaying it so long… We planned the wedding for the Sunday. Partly because of the cool date. 11.10.09. Seriously. You should see how nice it looks engraved inside our wedding rings. But we also planned it then…


Yesterday, 11th November, was a public holiday here in Belgium. Am I the only one who gets all the names of these holidays mixed up? I mean, I knew that yesterday was about remembering those who died in war. But all the public holidays seem to have long names beginning with “A” and I kept…