Scotland calls

It’s been a quiet week on here, but not at home. I bought a sewing machine! It’s a brand new singer. Those of you who have been following my list of 26 things to do before I am 27 will know that means I have achieved half of one of my things. I’m supposed to…

american diner

After my last post when I started to panic about how much I haven’t crossed off my list of 26 things yet (maybe you missed that – it might have come right after I pressed “publish” 🙂 life decided to be super nice to be me and give me a hand with the list. I…

two months

You might remember that when I turned 26 I wrote a list of 26 things to do before I turned 27. Lists seem to be all the rage all over lady-blog-land with women everywhere making lists of things to do before the next birthday or before they’re 30 or before they die. I sometimes worry…


Look! The chilli I picked was green. We left it a week on my cake stand that sits on the kitchen island (because it’s too beautiful to hide away) and it turned RED. We had no idea that would happen so were somewhat surprised! Anyone have an explanation?

green fingers

Also on my list of 26 things is the ambitious “grow something that we can eat” goal. Well, despite great efforts on my part, frequent talking to the plants to encourage them to grow and the purchase of a very cool hot pink watering can, the entire summer was a huge failure of epic proportions…


This week I visited a new country, crossing off one of my list of 26 things. It was three days of work so not much free time to explore, but we did get a boat trip on the lake and an evening of great food and Hungarian wine tasting in a beautiful wine cellar. Here…